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With the advance of information technology development, man-made satellite, the Internet and the world short-wave communications coverage detailed the formation of a global communications network, the modernization of any country should not become an independent island outside. jordan retro 15 The current system of international news in "to a large extent can be regarded as the Western news media, especially the United States and the United Kingdom are thebuy jordan 15 media, as well as from a small number of French and German media as a derivative", "Information flow is only one kinds of country to the south from the north country, or that the rich countries to poor jordan 15 shoescountries from one-way flow ", and so in such an ecosystem, the Chinese media are facing a very grim situation. According to Associated Press figures, there is the world's 1.5 billion jordans retro 15people every day are exposed to the Associated Press news, its global users 15 000, every day for the world's 6 000 radio and television stations to provide audio-visual materials. jordan 15 shoe Reuters 131 to the country 29 310 customers. On the other hand, belong to the same international class 8 A Xinhua news agency, one, more than 4 000 customers only, only one xv jordansof more than 100 foreign users. Again, in 1999 among the world's top 100 television, the United States accounted for 31 locations (formerly known as the 5 cover), accounting for half of the world's television industry (52% strong), only the first time in Warner's tv revenue reached 18.462 billion jordan 15 sneakersU.S. dollars, while China Central Television selected, the output value 600 million U.S. dollars only in terms of section 51. The difference is very obvious.

Although China's accession to the WTO give the media had brought about a number of difficulties and stress, but also broughtjordan shoes xvopportunities for development, there is no reason to belittle us. As long as we face up to difficulties, calm, and speed up development, we have probably have to catch up and become a "new international information order" in an important. jordans 152 measures to domestic media
2.1 update and change the concept of news

We should use new media to guide the reality of the concept of operation, this is a priority. In recent years,jordan 15 black China's media market Despite improved awareness, the media unprecedented fierce competition, but the publicity is not flexible and effective dissemination of the concept is still relatively weak, michael jordan 15and the future, emphasis should insist in the right direction under the premise of public opinion and establish a thought-based audience to improve the way public information to raise awareness of the arts, to enhance public information andjordan men's retro 15close the service. At the same time, it is necessary to draw on cross-media group in the management mechanism, business strategy and so on the advanced experience of management of the legal system to promote media and public. jordan size 15 2.2 to accelerate the pace of development of the Group

The world set off a media merger wave is one of the most representative of American Online and Time Warner merger. The United States after the merger of AOL Time Warner will reach an annual turnover of 30 billion U.S. dollars, jordan sz 15as a set of Internet services, publishing, news and entertainment media in one of the super-kingdom. AOL boss Steve Case ambitious even said: "We will eventually change the jordan men's 15way people access information, communicate with others, shopping and entertainment." In addition, "The New York Times" and the American Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) , "jordan mens 15Washington Post" and the National Broadcasting Company (NBC), CBS (CBC) and Viacom Inc. have also announced that co-operation among these media oligarchs havejordan sneakers 15 thrown Hydrangea, powerful alliances, is that competition has entered the global media now engage in the worst fighting of the stage, while the strength is the key to decide victory or defeat. cheap jordan 15Keeping with this trend, our country from the mid-20th century, 90 newspaper groups to begin the pilot, after several years of development, greatly enhanced the economic strength of the Group, air jordans 16our country has been set up from the current 15 newspaper groups, the initial set up the development of China's Newspaper the new framework. Radio and Television Group is actively pursuing the model,jordan retro 16 in some areas such as Hunan, Sichuan has been successfully listed on the media to enter the capital market, these initiatives have marked our country, publishing, broadcasting, television news has been from the beginning of individual development to the overall strategic industrial air jordan 16restructuring.

