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With his left hand grasping a knife, this knife is the R StateJordan 11, knife of a long boat, on his right sleeve with the breeze and swinging, apparently did not arm around him is filled with atmosphere. Eight ninja costume anJordan 12 one-armed man of the people behind, that is, eight bottles of statues, motionless silence. Finally side are two of the black man waving banners, banners that read the words, challenge Shaolin Jordan 17.

Such people never killed people, but also definitely more than one person killed,This is one-armed person on first impression, he entered the Jordan 15 courtyard from the side door, look through the gap between people sit cross-legged in a locked R countrymen. One-armed person was the kind of atmosphere he was very familiar with the soul of aJordan 19 child from the Dragon and Zhang Qiang there feel that this is what the murderous look.

Middle-aged monks head into the crowd, Jordan 13visitors take the initiative to get out of a road, with behind at Monks, walked calmly, looking, enigmatic enemy, he a 15-year-old child is also doing my part to show the side of the enigmaticJordan 16 .

NOT PLAYING strength blind deep, are loaded to force, theJordan 14 enigmatic but people are generally not installed by a murderous master of legislation in front of the Tate's husband a little bolder every chilling about the idea of Jordan 20initiation avoid, let alone are teenage son had.

Tourists are dressed in look to a low-cost apparel, Main Hall in front of the monks, people are looking at a loss of middle-aged monks, middle-aged monksjordan shoes cough uttered by pointing of 18 Shaolin monks high said: "The juveniles are released Wujian Master pro-Chuan disciples according to seniority in the family count him .... Jordan 11yes ..... my brother is the you."

18 Shaolin Monks is a new generation of eighteen Lohans, and they speak of the master is the middle-aged monks Release, Jordan 518 monks are heard before the juvenile them, one of stunned shock, around the crowd also reported the discussions sound.

One-armed person slightly lifted the lid, take a look at the appearance Jordan 3 of a handsome share, slowly said: "A huge temple to allow a child to face my challenges ..... really sad, sacred martial arts .... .. illusory, Jordan 4 or put your address Wujian called out again .... so ..... you give Z disgraced Shaolin kung fu to discredit the country. "

"I won .... my master will come out, win ..... Jordan 2 even my sharp tongue is no longer useless."smiled, he took to the steps of Shitai, sit down cross-legged watching the one-armed person, no, nor sent into the aggressive, quite arbitrary stood and Jordan 6 watched, a smile, at the same time also awaits.

