
Jordan L Style - High Top Sneaker - Dark Cinder - November 09

Jordan L Style - High Top Sneaker - Dark Cinder - November ‘09

Jordan L Style - High Top Sneaker - Dark Cinder - November ‘09

Well, are these really sneakers? No they are not. They are a piece of jewelry worn on the feet, with the incredible atttractiveness that distinguishes them better suited to masterpieces of the classical era. Surely the master designers want to reform the sneaker universe with this creation, but this time the explosive dazzle of this design is so brain-roasting that that we suspect they may have been overtaken by their own conquest.

This supermega sample of shock and awe tactics by the headquarters is going to decimate the dreams and plans of all competitors of Nike. This massive victory of the master designers will go in history as the greatest display of strategy since the events that led to Austerlitz. Such elan, such genius! All hail the masters. Via Snakernews.com

tag: air jordan shoes jordan shoes adidas shoes converse shoes

